Report Information

After the tenth phone digit, any additonal digits will format as extension: x99

Victim Information

(Required when age < 18)


Patient is Unsheltered/Homeless (if checked Address fields not required)
After the tenth phone digit, any additonal digits will format as extension: x99
After the tenth phone digit, any additonal digits will format as extension: x99


(Tetanus vaccine/booster)
Yes No


(Post-exposure prophylaxis)

Emergency Room Referral

Bite Information

Animal Control Notification

Required if not notified
If bite occurred INSIDE Asheville City Limits contact:
Asheville Police Department Animal Control
(828) 252-1110
If bite occurred OUTSIDE Asheville City Limits contact:
Buncombe County Sheriff Dept. Animal Control
(828) 250-6670

Once you submit this information, you will be able to save a copy for your records.

Animal Information

Attach Copy of Lab Results/Other Pertinent Records




Once you submit this information, you will be able to save a copy for your records.